Thanks to route planning applications, understanding printed time tables at a bus or train station has turned to instantly retrieving route planning advice on our smartphones. Access to such information may increase the usage of public transport services [1] and has a positive impact on its quality of experience [2]: travellers with access to live updates can reduce their waiting times, adjust their travelling choices for more efficient journeys and achieve higher satisfaction levels [3]. Today, many cities around the world recognize the value of providing reliable access to live information and devote considerable effort on maintaining and evolving their Web APIs, e.g., London, Helsinki or San Francisco [4].
However, sharing live public transport data is a resource-demanding process that may (i) limit data accessibility; (ii) increase the costs of new solutions; and (iii) impose additional processing load for route plan recalculations upon live updates. Traditional Web API architectures for live public transport data usually follow a polling-based approach that allocates all data processing load on either data providers (e.g., public transport operators) or data consumers (e.g., route planning applications) computational infrastructure. In terms of required computational resources, two main strategies prevailed: (i) publishing a fully-fledged live route planning API; or (ii) providing a data dump or feed containing live schedule updates.
With live route planning APIs, most data providers limit data accessibility due to high maintenance and scalability costs [4]. Despite offering reliable information, live route planning APIs entail high costs because all processing resides on data provider infrastructure. These costs increase proportionally with the number of clients and motivates API request limitations, thus limiting data accessibility. For data consumers, this approach requires minimal effort in terms of processing resources, as clients only need one request per route planning query. Dealing with live updates also means that consumers check for query updates more frequently, further increasing the load on providers infrastructure and potentially conflicting with API request limits.
In contrast, a data dump or feed increases the computational costs for data consumers because they need to handle data integration. This approach represents a low cost solution for data providers, as they only require to maintain online a resource with the latest updates. However, static and live data need to be separated for client consumption. This separation increases infrastructure costs for consumers that need to store and integrate static schedules and their live updates for one or more public transport services.
In both cases, handling live data requires additional processing for route plan recalculations on data updates. Changing transport schedules may quickly render previously calculated route plans invalid. For example, a vehicle route could have been cancelled or a suggested transfer is no longer possible due to delays. Applications need to refresh query results as soon as new updates are available to avoid providing incorrect information. This generally involves full algorithm recalculations, which increase processing load. Thus, cost-efficient data sharing solutions that allow full accessibility, to accurate and opportune information for travellers are needed for both data providers and data consumers.
An in-between approach, namely the the Linked Connections (LC) specification [5], defines a data sharing approach that equitably distributes processing load between data providers and consumers for route planning query processing over public transport networks. To measure the impact of polling- and push-based data sharing approaches on CPU, RAM, bandwidth and query response time, we implemented LC-based server and client-side applications. We (i) measure processing costs and query execution performance using the Connection Scan Algorithm (CSA) [6] for route planning calculation; (ii) simulate a Web-scale environment with up to 1,500 concurrent clients, using real data from the Belgian Railway operator; and (iii) extend CSA with a rollback mechanism that allows efficient route plan refreshing upon live updates, while avoiding full query recalculations.
The results show polling as a more efficient alternative on CPU and RAM for data providers but hint towards push-based alternatives when bandwidth is a concern. For data consumers there is no significant difference in CPU and RAM usage for route planning query processing. However, there is a significant improvement of 8–10 times with respect to query processing performance, using our proposed CSA rollback mechanism. Smarter API design that combines polling and push-based data sharing approaches can reduce the intrinsic costs of data sharing on the Web, by equitably distributing processing loads between providers and consumers. Moreover, by moving algorithm execution to the client-side, clients have more granular control on application state (e.g., previous query executions), which for this case increases efficiency on handling live data updates.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. We first present an overview of related work regarding live public transport data sharing on the Web and route planning over public transport networks. In section 3 we describe the reference architecture, data models and implementation details of the evaluated approaches. Section 4 presents the experimental setup including data characterization, queries and Web interfaces used to achieve comprehensive results. In Section 5 we present the obtained results. Finally, on Section 6 we discuss the results, present our conclusions and our vision for future work.
Reference Architecture
We designed and implemented a system architecture (Fig. 1) to evaluate the performance of different strategies for live public transport data sharing on the Web. In this section we present the design choices and implementation details of its different modules.
Publishing Live Public Transport Updates
We follow the LC specification for public transport data publishing. LC achieves higher cost efficiency, compared to equivalent full server-side route planning APIs [5]. The data publishing module in the reference architecture is called LC Server. For its implementation we extended the Linked Connections Server (LCS), given its capabilities of integrating live updates out of the box [10]. The server is implemented as a Node.js application and consists of the following sub-modules:
- Data Manager. Transforms both static and live public transport data to the LC data format. It takes as input GTFS and GTFS-RT data sources and uses the gtfs2lc and gtfsrt2lc Node.js libraries to perform data transformations.
- Web Server. Exposes polling and push-based Web interfaces that clients use to access static and live data. The polling interface is a HTTP API that provides access to Connection documents and to the latest live updates using a reference date as input. The pushing interface is based on SSE and provides clients with updates in vehicle schedules.
- Storage. Represents data storage on disk. Documents containing sets of ordered Connections and spanning a predefined time window, are created by the Data Manager and persisted on disk as files. Data are serialized using the JSON-LD format.
We study the cost and performance of polling and pushing Web interfaces.
The polling interface of the LCS defines this access URL: {operator}/connections?departureTime={iso-date}
Where operator
is the name of the public transit operator and iso-date
is the date and time for which a client requires information of vehicle departures.
Upon request the LCS retrieves the document that contains Connections departing closest to the given departure time.
It also checks if there are any available live updates that involve the requested document and merges them.
An example of a Connection is shown in Listing 1.
"@context": {
"lc": "",
"gtfs": ""
"@id": "",
"@type": "lc:Connection",
"lc:departureStop": "",
"lc:arrivalStop": "",
"lc:departureTime": "2020-01-31T09:54:00.000Z",
"lc:arrivalTime": "2020-01-31T09:58:00.000Z",
"lc:departureDelay": 60,
"lc:arrivalDelay": 60,
"lc:direction": "Courtrai",
"gtfs:trip": "",
"gtfs:route": "",
"gtfs:pickupType": "gtfs:Regular",
"gtfs:dropOffType": "gtfs:Regular"
Listing 1: LC formated as JSON-LD. The properties departureDelay
and arrivalDelay
indicate that live data is available for this Connection.
Schedule documents can be cached by clients,
which can reuse them to answer more than one query.
This reduces the amount of requests that need to be handled by the server.
However, live updates quickly invalidate caches and clients need to request again updated LC documents for new queries.
In the worst case, all Connections of a document change due to a live update,
but the majority of the time only a handful of Connections are updated,
causing that significant parts of LC documents are sent over and over again.
For this reason, we extended the LCS implementation and added a new resource to its HTTP API
that allows to retrieve only Connections that have changed since a given time: {operator}/events?lastSyncDate={iso-date}
This resource allows clients to synchronize their local caches with the latest available data.
We also implemented a pushing Web interface using SSE.
Clients can subscribe to it on {operator}/events/sse
and receive the latest schedule updates as they occur.
We use the W3C standardized SOSA ontology to identify and semantically describe schedule updates for particular Connections.
Our implementation is available online.
Consuming Live Public Transport Updates
A command line interface (CLI) client application was implemented for processing route planning queries on top of LC-based data. It implements the CSA algorithm on its Profile variant [6]. This allows calculating not only the Earliest Arrival Time but also later route alternatives, providing a maximum amount of desired vehicle transfers along the way. The selection of this algorithm is based on the data model defined by the LC specification. LC defines a sorted by departure time array of Connections, which is the data structure that CSA requires to process queries.
This client consist of a library called QRail Library} that was built using the Qt framework. We selected this framework due to its cross-platform portability including Android or iOS. The client’s modules are the following:
- Network Manager. Handles the communication capabilities of the client.
It was built by extending the Qt
library to handle SSE-based interactions. It keeps an in-memory local cache to store the latest available schedule information. - Connections Factory. Retrieves data (either from cache or from the server) and builds Connection Qt objects to calculate route plans.
- Connection Scan Algorithm. Contains the implementation of the CSA Profile variant.
Dynamic Rollbacks for CSA
We extended CSA to address the problem of needing to perform complete route plan re-calculations, every time a new update is available on the client. Full route plan re-calculations increase the amount of requests and processing that both clients and servers need to handle, thus increasing computational costs.
Given a route plan query (e.g., from Bruges to Brussels departing today at 17:00), CSA starts its execution by scanning Connections departing no earlier than 17:00 until it finds the earliest arrival route. From this point, the algorithm performs predefined scan cycles, going back in time over the Connections array and adding every time for example, 30 minutes to the earliest arrival time. This allows finding later alternative route plans for the given query.
In our implementation, every time a new Connections document is requested during algorithm execution, we create a snapshot CSA’s internal state containing the Connections currently involved in the, so far discovered routes. Thanks to these snapshots we can determine the exact index in the Connections array, from which CSA needs to recalculate when there are updates in the route plans. Given that CSA Profile goes back in time over the Connections array, the closer an updated Connection is to the departure stop, the faster the recalculation process will be. The set of snapshots is kept in memory and updated every time a new query is processed.
We study different approaches to efficiently publish and consume live public transport data, in terms of computational resources (CPU, RAM and bandwidth) and route planning query processing performance. For this we define the following research questions:
- RQ1. What is the most cost-efficient approach, in terms of computational resources, to publish live public transport data, considering polling and push-based technologies in a LC-based architecture?
- RQ2. What is the impact of polling and push-based approaches on LC-based clients, in terms of computational resources and route planning query solving?
- RQ3. What is the impact of the CSA rollback mechanism on the performance of a LC-based client for route planning query solving in terms of execution time?
To address these research questions, we defined a hypothesis for each of them:
- H1. A pushing approach will lower resource consumption on average, due to avoiding processing new client requests to obtain new schedule updates.
- H2. A pushing approach has lower computational cost on clients, since is not necessary to send every time a new request to the server to get the latest updates, thus reducing bandwidth and communication establishment processes.
- H3. On average, a rollback mechanism results in lower processing times for solving route planning queries.
We designed two different experiments to test our hypotheses. Next we describe the testing data and the setups for each of the experiments.
Real-World Test Data
We used real data from the Belgian railway operator NMBS. NMBS publishes both GTFS and GTFS-RT data dumps as open data. We collected the timetable and all emitted live updates for November 2019 (we make the data available online). We analyzed these data to understand how live updates happen, i.e., what the low and peak hours normally are, to run our experiments considering representative data. Fig. 2(a) shows the amount of Connections updated during the entire month, having the 28th of November as the day with the highest amount (over 13.63 million). Fig. 2(b) zooms in into this day, showing peak hours around 07:00 and 17:00, and registering 17:00 as the peak hour of the day with more than 900,000 updated Connections.
We used the iRail query log dataset as a reference. This dataset contains a registry of over one million real route planning queries per day, received by the iRail API. We analyzed the queries that were executed on the week days during November 2019 and classified them by the amount of Connections used by their Earliest Arrival Time route, given that routes with higher amount of Connections require a higher processing effort to be computed.
Experiment 1: Publishing Live Public Transport Updates
The first experiment was designed to test the computational resource (CPU, RAM and bandwidth) consumption of LC-based live public transport data publishing, following polling (HTTP API) and push-based (SSE) approaches. We setup a server with a Quad core Intel E5520 (2.2GHz) CPU and 12 GB of RAM. We progressively instantiate up to 1500 clients requesting/receiving live data updates. Each client starts its operation 0.5 seconds after the previous to avoid overload peaks on the measurements and simulate a more realistic environment, where clients issue requests at any point in time and not necessarily synchronized with the live updates frequency.
For the polling scenario every client requests a new data update every 30 seconds, which corresponds to the update frequency of NMBS GTFS-RT feed. We also disabled serve-side caching, to obtain a clearer image of the actual operational costs of the server. In the pushing scenario, the clients subscribe once to the SSE interface and the server pushes new data to them every 30 seconds. The experiment was executed during 20 minutes for each scenario.
Experiment 2: Consuming Live Public Transport Updates
The second experiment was designed to measure the CPU, RAM and bandwidth usage of a LC-based client, consuming live public transport updates following polling (HTTP API) and push-based (SSE) approaches. The client application was deployed on a machine with a Quad core Intel E5520 (2.2GHz) CPU and 12GB of RAM. We handpicked routes with different amount of updated Connections. This was intended to avoid evaluating routes without updates and thus, with no significant impact on client resources.
We ran the experiment for each selected query using our client on a polling and a pushing scenario, and a reference test client without the rollback mechanism described in Subsection 3.3. The evaluation run for 15~minutes on each scenario, where clients requested/received live updates every 30 seconds. Table 1 shows an overview of the selected routes.
From | To | Connections | Travel Time (min) |
Hasselt | Sint-Truiden | 2 | 15 |
Leuven | Diest | 2 | 32 |
Landen | Diest | 5 | 43 |
Eppegem | Brussels-Shuman | 6 | 23 |
Mechelen | Brussels-Congress | 6 | 30 |
Leuven | Schaarbeek | 11 | 29 |
Asse | Antwerp-Berchem | 18 | 87 |
Antwerp-Central | Alken | 23 | 94 |
Table 1: Set of route planning queries extracted from the iRail API logs. This table shows the amount of Connections and the total travel time of the Earliest Arrival Time route.
Here we present the results obtained for the experiments described in section 4.
Fig. 3 presents the measurements made for experiment 1. Fig. 3(a) shows a mean CPU usage of 10.8% for the pushing approach. For the polling approach we obtained a mean usage of 1.7%.
In terms of RAM, Fig. 3(b). shows a mean consumption of 563.8MB for the pushing approach. For the polling approach we measured a mean consumption of 423MB. Bandwidth measurements for pushing showed a total data exchange of 6.5GB serving up to 1500 clients during the measured time (20 mins). For pulling, the server exchanged a total of 15.8GB under the same conditions (figure not included for the sake of space).
Fig 4(a). shows the bandwidth usage for the three test scenarios, defined in experiment 2. After 800 seconds the reference client exchange a total of 45.7MB. The rollback clients exchanged 5.4 MB and 3.6 MB for polling and pushing respectively. In terms of RAM (Fig 4(b).), no significant difference was measured for polling and pushing with a mean consumption of 70.6MB and 71.1MB respectively. The reference client shows an increased average RAM usage of 102.1MB. CPU usage (figure not shown for the sake of space) maintained the same tendency with average consumption of 12.15% (polling), 12.22% (pushing) and 19.2% (reference).
Fig. 5 presents the results obtained for testing our rollback mechanism and its impact on route planning query solving. The rollback mechanism is between 8 and 10 times faster in every set of route planning queries.
Conclusion and Future Work
Experiment 1 was designed to test H1, related to RQ1. In terms of CPU usage, the polling approach uses on average 10 times less resources than the pushing approach. RAM memory measurements are closer between the two approaches, with pushing using around 140MB more than polling. This can be explained by the operational characteristics of pushing and also by the setup of the experiment. In the pushing approach the server sends new data to all subscribed clients, when a new live update is received. This explains the various CPU peaks and the higher average usage. RAM memory consumption is also higher for pushing, because the server needs to keep an in-memory registry of all subscribed clients.
The lower resource usage of polling can also be explained by the distribution of client requests. A new client was added every 0.5s from the start of the experiment and every client did a new request every 30s, giving a maximum request load was of 50 requests/second with 1500 clients. This load was easily handled by the server given its hardware capabilities. Further tests with synchronized clients and different live update frequencies can provide a more complete picture for polling. Nevertheless, the results provide an indication of the required resources when using one approach or the other, giving polling as a less demanding approach for CPU and RAM.
Pushing requires lower bandwidth because clients do not send requests for new data updates. In conclusion, we reject H1 and consider polling as more cost-efficient, especially considering that with server-side caching in place, resource consumption could be improved.
Results of experiment 2 relate to RQ2 and H2, and show no significant difference in CPU or RAM for pulling or pushing on the client. This is explained by the usage of our rollback mechanism, and confirmed by the higher consumption of resources measured for the reference client. Therefore, we reject H2. However, pushing uses the least amount of bandwidth. This is of utmost importance if we consider that route planning applications may be executed on mobile devices using data connections subject to charges.
The second part of experiment 2 relates to RQ3 and H3. Results show significant improvements in route planning query recalculations using our rollback mechanism. By keeping snapshots of CSA’s internal state, full recalculations are avoided and faster times are achieved. Therefore we can accept H3. This is an important result from the perspective of end-users, which need to be informed of journey changes as soon as possible.
In general, results show us that there is no silver bullet approach. Different aspects need to be considered to fulfill data provider, data consumer, and end-user requirements. Further evaluations may be performed to complement these results. However, this study already provides an informative base ground for public transport data publishers and route planning application developers. It also highlights the benefits of moving algorithm execution to the client-side, as is having more granular control of application internal state, which make possible to design smarter and more efficient clients.
Future work could study the impact of client-side route planning integrating multiple modes of transportation, as well as explore alternative algorithms and evaluate their performance, including end-user testing.